Divisible Case Study
Divisible is a new managed solution for flexible workspace in London. They offer a plug-and-play office environment which is the whole package. As they say on their website “All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.

The Challenge
Nick Owen, Operations Director of Divisible, has been in the managed office and commercial property industry for years and for his most recent project, the seven floor building on 27 Furnival Street, Nick had a very specific vision. He saw a gap in the market for office space aimed at businesses who have outgrown the traditional co-working spaces but aren’t quite ready to take on a lease.
“We’ve created a working environment that is designed for companies of 25 to 50 people where they require their own branding, their own character and their own space that allows them to operate without any worries.”
To provide them with what they needed, in a plug-and-play fashion, Nick knew there were certain things that would be absolutely essential including a bespoke fit-out for each floor to match the tenant’s needs but also superior connectivity.
Nick said that after many years in the serviced office industry he’d seen everything change but nothing quite as drastically as the need for connectivity.
“I remember running a 1 mbps dedicated connection into people’s offices as a standard but now everyone wants a hundred mbps. So what we decided to do is to automatically include, with each office, 200 mbps dedicated.”
On top of needing a fast connection they needed it quickly which is where Nick faced another problem: Getting fibre installed in the building was going to take months and, in fact, ended up taking 169 days in total!
Not only did this mean getting tenants into the building would be nigh-on impossible but it rendered Nick and his team disconnected as well, relying on the pub next door for internet.
“We started referring to the pub across the street as “Meeting Room 3” as it was the only place we could get WiFi!”
On top of the speed of setup and the connection itself Nick and Divisible wanted to ensure they could offer the best possible uptime of connection as they knew the repercussions of losing connectivity in today’s business world can mean a huge hit on a company’s bottom line.
This is when Fusion Voice & Data, and Luminet, came to the rescue.
The Approach
In order to tick all of the boxes outlined above Nick Dutfield, Sales & Marketing Director at Fusion proposed that the best course of action would be installing a combination of dual fibre and Luminet’s wireless line-of-sight microwave connection.
Divisible agreed and the building was online within 7 days on Luminet’s wireless “network in the sky”! With the dual fibre installed as well there’s a safety net in place to ensure that if any of the connection fails there’s another one to take its plac
On the subject of the quick setup, Nick remarked that “Nick [Dutfield] saved my business and my liver as he had us up and running within 7 days.”
The Results
Not only can Divisible now get tenants in with the connection speed they’re looking for but due to the combination of dual fibre and wireless microwave technology the promise of 100% uptime is one they can make with 100% certainty.
“An outage, whether it’s for an hour, two hours or a day can be catastrophic so we put in place facilities to make sure that if one line goes down we have another one. If both lines go down we have a line of sight wireless connection as a backup. That way people have the bandwidth and the connectivity, plus the failovers to make sure their business is operational 100% of the time.”
On the back of their experience at 27 Furnival Street Divisible have already started discussing their next building with Fusion Voice & Data, and Luminet to make sure they can line up tenants early with the knowledge that connectivity will certainly not be an issue!
Key Benefits
- Quick setup meant the building was online on Luminet’s network within 7 days
- Combination of dual fibre and wireless means 100% uptime
- High speeds and bandwidth means Divisible can offer each tenant a 200mbps dedicated connection from day one; a vast improvement on what their tenants experienced in previous office spaces!